Our custom expertise
UV curing coatings for resilient floors

We offer our industrial customers customized solutions adapted to the setups of their UV coating lines. Co-creation allows us to define the technical specifications of the lacquer in liquid phase and of the dry film, the drying conditions, the production control parameters and the conformity requirements to be integrated.

LVT - Luxury Vinyl Tile
Formulated to achieve the best price/performance ratio.

The goal is to combine a good flexibility of the finish ("UV Coating" on the illustration) with a good resistance to micro and macro scratches and castor flesh. This technology combined with a specific UV primer ensures a good surface coverage even with deep embossing.

This type of finish is available in Excimer version and also in Classic UV version. The ETERNITY anti-scratch option is also offered on this range.

SPC - Stone Plastic Composite
Formulated to achieve the best possible micro and macro scratch performance, chemical resistance and castor flesh

The scratch performance of the finish (UV Coating on the illustration) is particularly focused on these floors in direct competition with laminate floors. A combination with a specific UV matte primer ensures a good surface coverage even with deep embossing.

This type of finish is available in Excimer and also in UV Classic. The ETERNITY anti-scratch option is also available on this range.

Designed to achieve the best possible micro and macro scratch performance and chemical and castor flesh resistance.

The flexibility of the coating is an important parameter in order to facilitate the implementation in roll form.

In commercial use, the performance of the finish ("UV coating" on the illustration) is adapted to meet the specifications of high traffic areas.

This type of finish is available in Excimer version (commercial use) and also in UV Classic version (residential use). The ETERNITY anti-scratch option (commercial use) is also available on this range.

Lacquer designed to achieve the best possible micro and macro scratch performance and chemical and castor chair resistance.

The chemical resistance is essential because of the regular use of these floors in hospitals.

The Excimer technology allows to reach high level chemical resistance for example with Betadine and iodized alcohol.

This type of finish ("UV coating" on the illustration) is available in the Excimer version and also in the Classic UV version. The ETERNITY anti-scratch option (commercial use) is also available on this range.

Designed to achieve the best possible performance in terms of micro and macro scratches, chemical resistance and castor chair.

Lacquer adherence is an important aspect to master on this natural support made of mineral fillers and linseed oil. The facility of maintenance of the lacquer is a priority in order to counter the porosity of Linoleum's surface.

Excimer technology is also available for linoleum floors. The ETERNITY anti-scratch option is also available on this range.

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